Tax Office & Information

2021 Tax Map


Tax CollectorRachel E. Leber  
Phone(908) 213-1600 x16
Fax(908) 213-1850
Email[email protected]

The Tax Collector’s Office is located, 3003 Belvidere Rd, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865.

Office Hours

Monday: 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am to NOON

Taxes can also be paid Monday – Friday between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. with the Municipal Clerks’ Office

After Closing: There is “drop box” located to the left of the front entrance of the Municipal Building for payments made after hours please mark with name, property address, and Block & Lot. Payments will be applied and deposited during the next office hours. If you would like a receipt include your email address or a self addressed envelope. Also, if we are not available, feel free to leave a voicemail, and we will be happy to return your call during normal business hours. Please include your name, block and lot, physical address of the property in question, and, of course, a phone number where you can be reached during office hours. You can also email [email protected], which is checked throughout the week even when the tax office is not open.

How to Pay Your Taxes

Checks should be made payable to Harmony Township.

  1. Made in person during office hours or with the Municipal Clerks’ office
  2. Mailed to Harmony Township Tax Collector, 3003 Belvidere Road, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
  3. Online:
  4. Placed in an envelope and dropped in the black secure lock box in front of municipal building. (DO NOT DROP CASH IN BOX)

Tax Due Dates

  • February 1 (1st Quarter)
  • May 1 (2nd Quarter)
  • August 1 (3rd Quarter)
  • November 1 (4th Quarter)

Grace Period: 10 days (to the 10th of the due month)

Interest Rate: 8% on the first $1500.00 and 18% on all delinquencies thereafter.
6% Year End Penalty on all balances (including interest) over $10,000.00 as of 12/31

Billing: Taxes are billed once a year after all budgets are approved, generally in July. Added assessment bills are sent in October. Added assessment bills are for improvements made after October 1 of the pretax year and before September 30 of the current year.

Tax Rate

 20242023 2022
County Tax0.9110.8200.762
County Library Tax 0.0700.0650.063
County Open Space Tax0.0330.0290.025
District School Tax1.3761.3531.329
Municipal Open Space Tax0.0000.0000.002
Local Municipal Tax0.3200.3100.317
Total Tax Rate2.7102.5772.516

Tax Relief

Tax relief programs offer by the state

Senior Citizens & Disabled


ANCHOR Program

New Jersey Property Tax Relief Hotlines

For further information on these and any other tax relief programs check the State of New Jersey website:

You may address any questions regarding these programs in writing to:

New Jersey Division of Taxation
Taxpayer Services Branch
PO Box 900
Trenton, NJ 08695-0900

Property Tax Reimbursement

  • 1-800-882-6597
  • Form PTR-1 (or PTR-2 if reimbursement was received the previous year).